Network Marketers can learn a whole lot from pre-arranged marriages

January 16, 2017 /0  Comments / in News / by Rob Sperry

Network Marketers can learn a whole lot from pre-arranged marriages

DISCLAIMER to my wife: Don’t make me sleep on the couch! I am glad our marriage wasn’t arranged. After hearing people joke about arranged marriages for years, I decided that I wanted to learn more about them for myself. As I studied the concept, here is what I discovered.

Many different studies have shown that pre-arranged marriages work out better than traditional marriages. How is this possible!? The simple lesson is that relationships are work. If you go into a relationship looking at it as work rather than just an emotion, you will have much more success. For example, many people believe in love at first sight. Love is an emotion. Emotions are roller coasters. We have our good days and bad days. Some of us have our good years and our bad years. When a marriage is based on just our emotions, it gives us some sort of fantasy that love isn’t earned, nor is it work. We love what we serve. In pre-arranged marriages, couples go into the relationship earning each other’s love with realistic expectations.

In networking, you need to understand this principle. It is work. You will have times where you won’t feel like networking. You will have friendships or associations that annoy you. That is normal, but in order to make those relationships work out for the long term, you will need to work!

Enjoy the Journey

I was told by good mentors that it would take me 7 years to fully understand the industry of network marketing. Every year, just when I think I finally get all the dynamics, I learn a new skill.  I know now that 7 years gives you a great base to be in the top 1%, but we are always learning.  This is a profession to “Go Pro,” as Eric Worre says.  It is hard enough to make anything work when you are fully committed, but it’s impossible to make anything work when you are just giving it a try.  Make the commitment to learn the skills of networking, realize that it takes time and practice, and that commitment will pay for itself thousands of times over.

Obviously, an important part of network marketing is the actual networking itself. So, who do you network with?  Everyone you can.  Treat everyone with respect and try and connect with everyone you meet. There are so many ways you can do this.  Decide to do a random act of kindness for a friend or even a complete stranger.  Ask a friend out to lunch and do some catching up.  Shoot out a text to get an update on something going on in your friend’s life.  Texting is a great start to maintaining relationships and has helped me stay in contact with others.  Of course, you can’t just rely on a text.  You will need to go above and beyond that, but texting is a good platform that helps you stay connected.

There are over 7 billion people on planet earth.  Each one of those people have unique stories, ideas, and relationships.  If you aren’t happy with who you are surrounded with, or if you want to find more people to network with, put your mind to it and make it happen!  The best Networkers aren’t always the best recruiters, but the best Networkers are always great at working a circle of influence.  It has also been said that if you know 7 people, you know the entire world.  The best Networkers know with 100% certainty they can work with just about anyone willing and create a massive organization.

Network Marketers can learn a whole lot from pre-arranged marriages

January 16, 2017 /0  Comments / in News / by Rob Sperry

Network Marketers can learn a whole lot from pre-arranged marriages

DISCLAIMER to my wife: Don’t make me sleep on the couch! I am glad our marriage wasn’t arranged. After hearing people joke about arranged marriages for years, I decided that I wanted to learn more about them for myself. As I studied the concept, here is what I discovered.

Many different studies have shown that pre-arranged marriages work out better than traditional marriages. How is this possible!? The simple lesson is that relationships are work. If you go into a relationship looking at it as work rather than just an emotion, you will have much more success. For example, many people believe in love at first sight. Love is an emotion. Emotions are roller coasters. We have our good days and bad days. Some of us have our good years and our bad years. When a marriage is based on just our emotions, it gives us some sort of fantasy that love isn’t earned, nor is it work. We love what we serve. In pre-arranged marriages, couples go into the relationship earning each other’s love with realistic expectations.

In networking, you need to understand this principle. It is work. You will have times where you won’t feel like networking. You will have friendships or associations that annoy you. That is normal, but in order to make those relationships work out for the long term, you will need to work!

Enjoy the Journey

I was told by good mentors that it would take me 7 years to fully understand the industry of network marketing. Every year, just when I think I finally get all the dynamics, I learn a new skill.  I know now that 7 years gives you a great base to be in the top 1%, but we are always learning.  This is a profession to “Go Pro,” as Eric Worre says.  It is hard enough to make anything work when you are fully committed, but it’s impossible to make anything work when you are just giving it a try.  Make the commitment to learn the skills of networking, realize that it takes time and practice, and that commitment will pay for itself thousands of times over.

Obviously, an important part of network marketing is the actual networking itself. So, who do you network with?  Everyone you can.  Treat everyone with respect and try and connect with everyone you meet. There are so many ways you can do this.  Decide to do a random act of kindness for a friend or even a complete stranger.  Ask a friend out to lunch and do some catching up.  Shoot out a text to get an update on something going on in your friend’s life.  Texting is a great start to maintaining relationships and has helped me stay in contact with others.  Of course, you can’t just rely on a text.  You will need to go above and beyond that, but texting is a good platform that helps you stay connected.

There are over 7 billion people on planet earth.  Each one of those people have unique stories, ideas, and relationships.  If you aren’t happy with who you are surrounded with, or if you want to find more people to network with, put your mind to it and make it happen!  The best Networkers aren’t always the best recruiters, but the best Networkers are always great at working a circle of influence.  It has also been said that if you know 7 people, you know the entire world.  The best Networkers know with 100% certainty they can work with just about anyone willing and create a massive organization.

These four tips are great, and they will work, but true knowledge requires application. That’s why the first two tips are action steps. If you know everything and do nothing, then you know nothing!
Make sure your chief aim, your deeper purpose, is written down and make it a practice to read it out loud EVERY DAY. Be deliberate and methodical and help your brain decide to commit. Compensation always catches up to skillset and effort, but it’s almost always massively delayed! You need your brain to understand that it is a done deal…you just have to give it the time necessary for the compensation to catch up to you.
You can make excuses, or you can make money, but you can’t do both. Get out there and make it happen! Use these tips to help yourself or anyone on your team get out, and stay out, of “no man’s land.”
We cover this topic (and many more) inside the TGON Nation course, where I, along with several million dollar earners, give our unique perspectives and tips for success every week. Unfortunately, TGON Nation (www.tgonnation.com) is currently closed, but I will keep you posted as to when it will reopen.

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